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Tight fiscal leash awaits winner of Nigeria presidential election - Al Jazeera
Tight fiscal leash awaits winner of Nigeria presidential electionAhead of the election, Africa’s largest economy is in a precarious position due to rising debt and low revenue.Al JazeeraAl Jazeera
This time is indifferent - IPS
UNCTAD: This Time is Indifferent - IDN-InDepthNews | Analysis That MattersIDN-InDepthNews is flagship agency of the global International Press Syndicate Group speaking out for people, planet and peace.Analysis That MattersUN Bureau
Development banks should reform their lending practices - IPS
Development Banks Should Reform Their Lending PracticesIn the last week of September, emerging market (EM) bond fund outflows hit $4.2 billion, according to JP Morgan, bringing this year’s total to a record $70 billion. The exodus, set off by a rising U.S. dollar, is heaping pressure on